This will take a couple of moments to get started, and a quick browse of the various menus and items that are displayed will give you an idea of the possibilities.

Select New Map to open the basic map tool, where you will find various sizing options displayed on the left-hand side which can be used to alter the dimensions. Here you can choose various map types, adjust sea level, temperature, rainfall and resources and basically get a nice random map with which to start constructing your scenario.

If you select Generate Blank Map then you can use the tile editor in the next step to build a map from scratch, possibly based on a real-life location for reproduction of a historical event.

Star Cars were at the centre of all the negativity surrounding Battlefront 2. They still aren't totally there.For example, some Star Cards are mediocre or almost completely useless. It wasn't just this game that was impacted by the backlash though, as the fallout is still being felt across the industry today.
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Coming from the crazy loot box fiasco that surrounded the game at launch, even now, with the game's most recent levelling system.

Select Accept Map when you’re done here.

Developing Your Scenario

The first thing to do in the map editor is to use the Save option to keep a version of the map that you can refer back to if you make any errors.

Next, add a Description before opening the Scenario Editor. Here you can use the Players and City States tabs to add and remove civilizations and cities to your scenario via the +/ buttons, set a start time for the game and adjust the speed.

Under Game Options the various scenario settings can be adjusted, such as the behaviour of barbarians, or disabling research or policies. The variables are considerable, and the WorldBuilder genuine provides a great way to expand the game in new and fantastic ways.

Using the Map Editor Tools on the right-hand menu you can use the Paint tab to add new map features, the Cities tab to establish the starting position of each civilization and city state and use the Plopper tab to drop landscape features, resources, improvements, etc.

When you’re done, make sure you have saved the scenario and exited the WorldBuilder, and then launch Civilization V as normal. Select Single Player > Set up Game > Advanced Setup, and in the Map Type field scroll through the list to find your saved map scenario.

Finally, click Start Game to begin exploring, settling and conquering other civilizations!

Expanding Civilization V!

The options that the WorldBuilder tool gives you are immense. You can use this tool to create scenarios for multiplayer games or challenging single player arenas, and a good way of using it is to swap with fellow Civ gamers online, with each player creating a map for the other.

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Real world history has so many real scenarios that you can copy, from the obvious 20th century conflicts to legendary engagements in the American War of Independence, the Battle of Agincourt and various events from antiquity such as the fall of Troy.

While Firaxis are actively releasing downloadable content featuring new maps and leaders, the WorldBuilder tool gives you the opportunity to get to grips with the bones of the game without spending money on new content – instead, you can build your own!


Author's own experience.

Screenshots by author, taken from Civilization V WorldBuilder.

This post is part of the series: Civilization V Mods and Maps

Articles based on using the Civilization V SDK and WorldBuilder tool.

Civilization V Mods – Which Civ 5 Mods Are the Best?

Since the beginning of the Civilization game franchise it has been possible to mod the game. In the first Civilization game you could go into the files and change the amount of food, money or hammers the tiles gave. In every game since the modifications have become easier to add and more complex in how they effects the game. In Civilization IV there were mods that let you play in space, fantasy worlds and more. Among the major changes in Civilization V is that mods have been made far easier to use.

We’ve provided the links when we can, but you can also download and install mods inside the program. If you’re looking for a place to start go to the mod section of Civ V and look for these mods.

Spanish Civil War (4 out of 5)

Scenarios are one simplest ways to get into the mod scene. These mods generally let you play out specific times and places in history. Currently, the best of these available is the Spanish Civil War scenario. This Mod lets you play as either side in that war and balances them well. It might even give you a feel for the real war. The only real problem with this mod is that, like with many scenarios, it is a bit difficult to set up. You need to find the right map in the maps section, choose to use it, find the button under that map that says play scenario, select that and then choose the leader you want.

Tree Growth (3 out of 5)

If you are more interested in altering the game in some minor way those mods are available as well. You can run a number of these at the same time, though some can conflict. One of the simplest and most fun of this type of mod is the Tree Growth Mod. This mod makes the world feel more alive by having forests randomly grow next to other forest covered tiles. This won’t change the outcome of any games, but it makes the world feel more alive.

Hakkak’s Extra Civs Pack (4 out of 5)

The most common type of mod are mods which give you more civilization leader choices. The best of these is currently Hakkak’s Extra Civs Pack. This adds sixteen more civilizations to the game including the Dutch, Mongols, Inca, Zulu, Sioux and Portugal. Each of these has a different ability, for example the Holy Roman Empire has a 20% reduction to the unhappiness penalty for the number of cities and a 15% bonus to experience for all units. They also each get two special features, which are either military units or buildings. This adds more to the game than you might think, because not only can you play a different leader but against different leaders as well.

Civilization Nights (5 out of 5)

One of the best new additions to Civilization V are the policies which replace governments, but there are some policies which are far better than others. After a few games you might find yourself choosing the same policies in every game. One of the best mods to adress this is the Civilization Nights mod which changes every policy while keeping the general feel of what they were trying to do. This mod also adds a few other minor effects to help make the game play go a bit more smoothly with the policy changes.

Unofficial Patch III (4 out of 5)

There are problems with every new game. This mod fixes many of those problems whether they are legitimately bugs or simple annoyances. There is not a lot to say about this except that if you are running into game play issues that make it less fun to play this is a mod you should get.

There are hundreds of mods for Civilization V and more coming every day. It is worth the effort to look through them and find ones that will improve your game play experience. For that reason, these mods should not be the end of your modding experience, but they are a great place to start. Each of these mods will give you an idea of what you can expect from other mods you may try and give you a better understanding of the entire game, and how each part interacts.

What’s your favorite mod? Leave recommendations in the comments.

This post is part of the series: Civilization V Mods and Maps

Articles based on using the Civilization V SDK and WorldBuilder tool.
Civilization VI just launched, and while many of you are one-more-turning into the small hours, many, it seems, are struggling with a couple of nasty bugs. Reports of problems playing the game are especially common since the weekend. If that’s you, hopefully we can help.
Is Civilization VI worth enduring these bugs to play? Find out in our review.
General fixes
There are a couple of steps you can take to fix most issues on most games.
Civ 6 hangs or crashes on loading screen, or takes a very long time to load
This seems to be one of the most common issues since the weekend. Fortunately, it has a fairly simple fix; reports both on Reddit and CivFanatics indicate the problem is with Windows Defender.
Start by adding an exclusion for your Civ 6 folder. In Windows 10, from the start menu, go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Update & Security’, then ‘Windows Defender’. Click ‘Add an Exclusion’, and then ‘Exclude a Folder’. Navigate to your Civ 6 folder and select it. This way you can keep Windows Defender running but tell it to stop doing whatever it’s doing to Civ 6. If this doesn’t work, try excluding your entire Steam folder.
Another possible fix is to allow Civ 6 through Windows Firewall. Use Cortana to search for Windows Firewall and click ‘Allow an app through Windows Firewall’, then scroll down the following list until you see Civ 6. If you’restillhaving issues, you can try disabling Windows Defender altogether, but this should be a last resort.
Sound issues
Some players are reporting sound problems, including crackling noises, desynchronisation, sound running too fast or simply not playing at all. Try lowering your sound quality: go to ‘Settings’ in the main menu, click the ‘Sound’ tab, and lower the sound quality to 16-bit.
Missing .dll files

Civ 6 Mods Not Working

Programs like games use instructions contained in dynamic-link library (.dll) files to call on other files to do certain things. If you’re missing some, the quickest fix is to ensure all the likely parts of your system are up to date.
Start by reinstalling or updating DirectX. You should also perform a check for updates via ‘Windows Update’ in the ‘Settings’ menu. Restart your computer once you’ve done this.
If that hasn’t worked, you can find and replace the missing .dll file manually. The error message should specify which file you’re missing, so copy/paste it into Google and run a search. The results should offer a replacement to download, most likely from, which also offers a client promising a one-click fix.
Hopefully these suggestions should fix the most common errors until Firaxis can patch them permanently. Let us know if you’re still having problems!
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So I got Civilization V the other day and I am wondering how steam workshop works? How do I get mods for Civ V and what happens if it doesnt work?
11k11 gold badges59 silver badges93 bronze badges

2 Answers

Civ 5 Mods Wont Download
In your Steam library, select Civilization V and you will see a button labelled 'Browse the Workshop';
Clicking this button will take you to the Steam Workshop, which looks and feels the same as the Steam store in that you can browse through items and download the ones that you want;
Once you have found something in the workshop that you wish to download, click on the 'Subscribe' button (big green button similar to the 'Add to Cart' button). This will add the content to your subscriptions list. Some games may require you to restart the game to download subscribed content.
62.3k131 gold badges399 silver badges586 bronze badges
There is a downloader online.
You just put an URL of the mod in it and it downloads the mod for you.You then just put the mod in the correct folder (usually in C:Users.Documents).

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